On 9 November, the DEBRA France Association organised its 4th meeting of epidermolysis bullosa professionals at the Necker Hospital in Paris.

This rare genetic disease requires multidisciplinary care, with medical (dermatologist, psychiatrist, dentist, gastroenterologist, ophthalmologist, ENT specialist, stomatologist, geneticist, etc.) and paramedical (psychologist, dietician, nurse, physiotherapist, occupational therapist, socio-educational team, etc.) skills.
These different professionals, from the hospital or private practice environment, do not always have the opportunity to exchange ideas and meet face-to-face. That's why DEBRA has been organising these meetings every year for 4 years now.
This year, 3 main themes were discussed:
- Pain management (remember that EB is undoubtedly one of the most painful diseases)
- Nursing care at home
- Oral disorders
35 were present and 15 followed by video conference.