Take part: RHEACELL phase 3 clinical trial on systemic stem cell therapy for wound healing in RDEB/JEB
DEBRA International attends the 2024 EWMA Conference
Take part in new BUR-EB project to improve EB care in Europe
Belgian Minister visits the EB-clinic at the University Hospital of Leuven
DEBRA Croatia marks Rare Disease Day 2024
NEW! Neonatal Care in EB: a Clinical Practice Guideline now published
Last call to get patients involved in the GRIDD study
Chiesi Global Rare Diseases receives FDA approval for FILSUVEZ® topical gel for the treatment of EB
DEBRA France holds 4th annual EB professionals meeting in Paris
New international research projects from DEBRA Austria and EB Resnet
Building smiles and empowering Butterfly Children- research and webinar on oral health and QoL
DEBRA Spain's work in funding research, international collaboration, and EB healthcare
LifeArc and DEBRA Austria launch £2.5m funding call for repurposing therapies for EB
Celebrating two years of support in Indonesia: a recap of DEBRA Indonesia's events
DEBRA South Africa takes part in Dermatology Nursing Workshop
Video highlights of DEBRA Ukraine's activities supporting its members during war time
DEBRA Spain works to ensure families receive the best possible level of care
US FDA gives its first approval for new treatment for dystrophic EB
DEBRA UK completes its largest ever EB patient insight study
EB Clinet Online Seminar: Nutritional Needs & Anemia in Adults with EB