Disclosure statement in accordance with Sec 25 Austrian Media Act (MedienG) and information statement in accordance with Sec 5 Austrian E-Commerce Act (ECG)
Owner/Editor (Medieninhaber/Herausgeber)
DEBRA International, Global Network of Epidermolysis Bullosa Support Groups (ZVR 932762489)
Seat (Vereinssitz)
Salzburg, Austria
Registered office address (Zustellanschrift)
Am Heumarkt 27/1
1030 Vienna, Austria
T +43 1 876 40 30
F +43 1 876 40 30-30
Competent Regulatory Authority (Zuständige Aufsichtsbehörde)
Landespolizeidirektion Salzburg, sicherheits- und verwaltungspolitische Angelegenheiten (SVA). Here you can find the Austrian Association Act 2002 and the website of the Landespolizeidirektion Salzburg.
Purpose of the association (Vereinszweck)
The Association is not for profit and pursues exclusively and directly the promotion and coordination of international collaboration between patients, health and social care professionals, researchers, NGOs, and national governments to improve the lives of those living with EB while cures are found and made available for all types of EB.
Basic intention of this medium (Grundlegende Richtung des Mediums)
Presentation and promotion of DEBRA International, its services and resources, and its members; information about epidermolysis bullosa (EB) and EB-related research, events, and care resources; and donation, contact, and involvement opportunities.
Representation in accordance with the bylaws of the association (Statutenmäßige Vertretungsregelung)
The President shall represent the Association. Written documents of the Association must be signed by the President and the Secretary in order to be effective. However, if financial matters are concerned (dispositions regarding assets), the signatures of the President and of the Treasurer are required. In the event that the President, Secretary, or Treasurer are unable to fulfil their duty, they shall be represented by their deputies.
Executive Committee
Page last updated: December 2023